Circuit design of 1W linear power supply

MOS power IC full range
The probe capacitor polarity needle has a head diameter of 5.8. The total length of the 7-pin and 12-pin needles is 5.
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The figure shows a universal input, 0.98 W output flyback power supply designed with the LNK562DN. The power supply output is 7 V, 0.14 A (1W) with loose constant voltage/constant current (CV/CC) characteristics. This power supply replaces two electrolytic capacitors in series with a low value metal film capacitor of 630 V rated voltage. This design is ideal for single-phase meters or applications that must withstand AC input voltages up to 350 VAC in a matter of minutes.

design feature

  • No need to use input bulk capacitors
  • Increased reliability of products used in areas with severe input voltage fluctuations
  • Saves on the superposition of two electrolytic capacitors for increasing the voltage rating
  • PCB space and reduced costs
  • Extremely energy efficient
  • Meets CEC/Energy Star 2008 requirements for work mode efficiency (required
  • 50%, up to 55%)
  • Low input power at no load (no-load power consumption is less than 230 VAC AC input)
  • 200 mW, required to be 500 mW)
  • Low cost, low component count, alternative to compact and lightweight linear power supplies
  • No optocoupler required
  • No constant current detection resistor required
  • Simple EMI filter in accordance with EN55022B

See the PDF document for details (click on the PDF file to download)

Load Pins

Load Pins,Load Pin Load Cell,Oem Load Cells,Strainsert Load Pin

Xiaogan Yueneng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ,